Guissona the whole year

Cavalcada de Reis (Parade of The Three Wise Men)
Ses Majestats els Reis d’Orient (The Three Wise Men) visit Guissona the 5th of January and go around the town on their carriages during the Parade which the Culture and Celebrations Councillor organises.

Carnaval in Guissona
On Carnival in the morning a competition of potato omelettes cooked by people who belong to different groups of the town is organised. In the afternoon you can enjoy a parade of decorated carriages where great choreographies are danced.

Easter and Caramelles
At Easter you can participate in the different religious processions which the Parròquia (Parish) of Santa Maria de Guissona organises, particularly on Good Friday. On Easter Sunday you can listen and enjoy the traditional Caramelles (songs sang around the town by a group of people of all ages who are dressed in a typical costume).

The Enramada
The Enramada is the typical celebration of Guissona. It is always celebrated the week after Corpus. All the children pay a tribute to the Verge (Virgin) of the Salut in the town fountains. The boys carry blessed “coques” (a Catalan sweet) and the girls have wicker baskets filled with flower petals which are thrown in the air in the most important moment of the celebration.

Celebration of Sant Joan
The quarter of Capdevila in Guissona is the most important place during the celebration of Sant Joan. In the afternoon there is a parade, piñatas and a lot of dancing for grown-ups and children. When the sunset begins a bonfire is lit in the middle of the square.

Mercat Romà de Iesso (The Roman Market of Iesso)
Since 1997 in Guissona you can walk around a Roman Market. It’s a celebration where visitors will be able to feel how the old Roman Town of Iesso looked like 2000 years ago. Stalls, games, tales, quadriga, horses, gladiator fights and a lot more. The day ends with a great show of music and dance. At night groups of friends from the town celebrate the party of the Bacanal in the Fonts de l’Estany where assistants have a feast and can enter in an oratory competition.

Festa Major de Guissona (Major Festival in Guissona)
Around the 8th September the Major Festival from Guissona is celebrated. The celebration starts with the church bells ringing, a parade of “gegants and capgrossos” and the Major Festival speech. These days Guissona is absolutely full of enjoyment.

Novembre Lúdic (Playful November)
Due to the inexistence of popular celebrations. November becomes the month of the game. All kinds of activities related with games for children and adults are organised.

Christmas Fair
By mid-December a Christmas Fair is celebrated in the historical centre of the Town. There are typical stalls with Christmas products and antiquities.
There are also workshops with games for children and dancing entertainment.
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